Powerful Affirmations That Really Work

Writing affirmations

People ask me if positive affirmations really work. That’s like asking a personal trainer if you will get fit by exercising at the gym every day. The resounding answer is yes!  Positive affirmations are powerful, and they really work, when you know how to create them, what to include and what to avoid.   From […]

Self-Sabotage Cycle

Self Sabotage

Do you think you are stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage?   Do you find yourself trying to achieve a goal, or get a new job, or curb overspending, only to be constantly disappointed when your efforts don’t bring you any closer to your dreams?  Then you might be part of a self-sabotage cycle.   Have […]

The real reason your business is not successful…

People say to me, “I don’t understand why my business is not successful.” Or “I’ve spent a fortune on marketing but no one is buying and I don’t understand why!” It’s nothing to do with your marketing, sales, funnels, tech, templates or ads.   It’s to do with YOU, your confidence, your belief in yourself […]

Ask Yourself “Why?”

Ask yourself why

As we move into the second half of the year, I reckon it’s a good time to reflect on what you have enjoyed, created and achieved. And to question how the rest of the year can be even better.   As we approach the month of July, take the time to ask yourself, “has 2022 […]

Valentine’s Day – Relationships

Love, valentines, hearts

As Valentine’s Day approaches I’d like to share with you how to create a relationship that meets your needs.   This could be important if you are single and searching for that next special person, or if you want to improve the relationship you are in.  One way of doing this is to find out […]

Life is Difficult

Positive mental health

The first sentence in M. Scott Peck’s book, The Road Less Travelled is “life is difficult.”  I remember feeling a sense of relief when I first read this – because, for years, I thought I was the only person in the whole world who found the daily grind challenging.   I used to think there […]

How to Find Your Purpose in Life.

How to find your Purpose in Life

The dictionary definition of the noun states that purpose is – the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.   This leads us, humans, to ask the question, “why am I here?”  For those of you who know the answer to this question and have found your purpose in life, […]

Be The Leader of Your Own Life

Anne McKeown Be the leader of your own life

I hope you got lots of lovely gifts for Christmas. I love books and was thrilled to receive the biography of New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, entitled “A New Kind of Leader.” I like reading about women who have goals and ambition, plus a big heart and open mind, so I thoroughly enjoyed this […]



Happiness doesn’t just happen.  We create happiness. How do we do that? By doing things that make us happy. I know that sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how many people do things that make them unhappy. If you’re looking to design your life and create a future full of happiness, here are a […]

Success Is All About Relationships!

Success is all about relationships

Success is all about relationships because it’s impossible to achieve anything alone, others affect our happiness and success at home and work. Success is all about relationships, whether it’s a family member, a work colleague or a sport team mate. The relationship you have with each individual will either add to, or takeaway from your […]