

Happiness doesn’t just happen.  We create happiness.

How do we do that? By doing things that make us happy.

I know that sounds obvious, but you would be surprised how many people do things that make them unhappy.

If you’re looking to design your life and create a future full of happiness, here are a few tips.  Maybe try one each day, over the next ten days.

Do Something Meaningful

A worthwhile project gives us a sense of purpose and satisfaction. Meaningful work is where the achievement is not just about you but serves a larger goal and leaves you feeling that you are living your life to the full. Do random acts of kindness. Maybe volunteering or helping a friend or neighbour.

Be A Warrior Not A Worrier

Worry steals time and mental energy away from you. Don’t become obsessed with how you feel.  Feelings are fleeting; they don’t last, so don’t give them more attention than they deserve. Ruminating without taking action will take you down a negative spiral. Instead, be a warrior – fight back, silence the negative self-talk, and commit to making a positive difference to those around you at home and work.

Turn Off The

Television can be hypnotic.  Passively watching too much TV can lead to boredom and apathy. The less you do, the less you want to do. Switch it off before it switches you off.

Work It Out

Get that body moving. A walk around the block, skip with an old rope, or go for a swim. Research shows that 30 minutes of exercise, three times a week, helps to reduce depression. In fact, some GPs’ medicine of choice is a gym membership instead of pills.

Work out, Mother Nature

Spend Time With Mother Nature

Invigorate your senses by getting outdoors and spending time with mother nature.  Look up and see her colourful sky, hear her birds sing a cheerful song, feel her cool, soft grass under your feet, smell her sweet roses, taste freshwater from a clear stream.

Loving Arms

Hug a tree, or a friend, or a pet. Spend time with loved ones. Open your heart and your arms and welcome others. Be a warm embrace for those in need.

Be Thankful

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. At the end of each day, write down the things you are thankful for. It could be your friends, or a cozy home, or a job you love, or sunshine. Warm feelings lift our spirit and are a result of positive thoughts.

Connection and Community

We are social beings – even introverts need to connect and enjoy the feeling that comes from belonging.  Happiness boosters come when we are with people who like us and are like us. People who have the same values or enjoy the same activities. Happy people create healthy happy communities.

Cut Comparisons

Stop comparing yourself to others around you who ‘appear’ to have more, or seem better than you. Comparison kills your joy.  The only person comparison hurts is yourself. Don’t entertain it. Strive for your personal best in all areas of your life and work.

Recharge Your Battery

Take time out, away from social media, away from work, away from the expectations of others. Give yourself permission to relax, meditate, sleep. You can’t function properly if your battery is flat. You wouldn’t expect your mobile phone to work if you hadn’t plugged it into recharge overnight, so don’t expect this from yourself.

Read books, Spend time alone, Away from Social Media





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