Anne McKeown Be the leader of your own life

Be The Leader of Your Own Life

I hope you got lots of lovely gifts for Christmas. I love books and was thrilled to receive the biography of New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, entitled “A New Kind of Leader.”

I like reading about women who have goals and ambition, plus a big heart and open mind, so I thoroughly enjoyed this young woman’s success story.


It made me think more deeply about leadership in everyday life. Most often, we associate leadership with work – running a business or guiding a team. But what about being the leader of your own life? Being a positive role model for those around you? It’s easy to tell others what to do, but more difficult to set goals, create a vision and achieve results in our own personal lives.


Because we are then 100% accountable. We can’t blame anyone else or anything else for the outcome. The buck stops here, and we each have to face our own fears and failures. This is hugely intimidating for most people and stops them from moving forward, which is a real shame because if we look at it in a different way – and see failure as feedback, and an opportunity to grow, then it can be the best thing to happen in your life!


If you are keen to take control of your own destiny and guide your family, community, or colleagues, then effective personal leadership is essential. Taking personal responsibility for the outcomes in all areas of your life is one of the main keys to your future success and happiness.

Six years ago, I decided to take back control of my life. I was feeling lost and lacking both purpose and direction. I knew I had more to offer the world but after years as a stay-at-home mum, I had lost my confidence.  So, I set about learning new skills that would help me create my own future, set achievable goals, be held accountable, track my progress, and feel happier.

Last year I decided to take back control of my health.  During 2020 I had sat for too many hours in front of the computer and TV. I put on weight, I felt sluggish and my-self talk was negative.  So at the start of January 2021, I signed up for a kayaking class (and I don’t even like the water!)  One year later, I’ve enjoyed over 100 paddles – even through winter – strengthened muscles I never knew I had, made wonderful new friendships and shown up as a positive role model for my daughters.

And the best part is that I feel wonderful. I don’t know how to describe the feeling, I’m just content, healthy, fulfilled, strong, balanced, confident, growing, learning, laughing…


In the workplace there are many debates around the topic of leadership: Are good leaders born or made?  What is the best leadership style?  How do we judge a leader’s success?  The bottom line is that every leader requires mental and behavioral skills and the commitment to put them into practice – it’s no different with personal leadership.


Here are my top 12 tips on how to be the leader of your own life –

  • lead your lifeNever stop learning
  • Listen to your gut instinct
  • Develop an open mindset
  • Adopt a positive attitude
  • Be decisive
  • Keep asking questions
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Set Goals
  • Be a good role model
  • Communicate clearly
  • Honor others
  • Do what is right, not what is easy




A few years ago, women in my community asked me to show them what I did to change my life, (without divorcing my family), so I created an online program “Reignite Your Spark”, which covers all the principles and skills you need to be the leader of your own life.

Through a series of short videos, you will learn the “how to’s” of effective personal leadership. And using various exercises and questionnaires you will gain:


Self Mastery: Balance, Congruence, Mindset, and Self-understanding

Motivation & Momentum: Discover your Drivers, Beliefs, Values, Focus

Real Results: Goal setting and getting, your strengths, positive environment

Relationship Skills: Communicate with confidence and clarity, verbal and non-verbal


This is a simple step-by-step program and can be done on your own, or with me as your personal coach to guide and support you.  If you would like more information reply to this email or book in a call with me.

Don’t let another year go by without making yourself a priority. Choose to be the leader of your own life and let’s make your dreams come true.

Want to read more blogs from me? Check these out.


New Year, New Mindset!

The Main Reason New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work!



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