The Drama Triangle
You may have heard of “The Drama Triangle”. It is a relationship tool that was created by Psychiatrist, Stephen Karpman in 1968, as a way to show his clients how destructive their behaviour could be. This diagram is a simple, yet powerful instrument to use as a reference in relationships. Are you […]
How To Stop Procrastinating and Get Stuff Done!
Do you have a habit of procrastinating? Want to stop procrastinating and get stuff done? In my years of working with clients to help them break the habit of procrastinating, I’ve found 5 deep-seated ‘stories’ that we tell ourselves in order to feel better about procrastinating. I call these ‘stories’ because they’re often untrue and […]
Break the Bias IWD
The theme for International Women’s Day (8th March) this year is Break the Bias. I had a look at the official IWD website to understand their message and realized that I couldn’t say it better myself, so here it is… Imagine a gender-equal world. A world is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A […]
You Need a Vision Board
Why do I say to women you need a Vision Board? Because everything we want in life first starts as a thought and this thought creates a picture. From that picture, we can draw up a plan and take action to make the dreams we have for our life and work a reality. Sounds […]
Valentine’s Day – Relationships
As Valentine’s Day approaches I’d like to share with you how to create a relationship that meets your needs. This could be important if you are single and searching for that next special person, or if you want to improve the relationship you are in. One way of doing this is to find out […]
Life is Difficult
The first sentence in M. Scott Peck’s book, The Road Less Travelled is “life is difficult.” I remember feeling a sense of relief when I first read this – because, for years, I thought I was the only person in the whole world who found the daily grind challenging. I used to think there […]
How to Find Your Purpose in Life.
The dictionary definition of the noun states that purpose is – the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. This leads us, humans, to ask the question, “why am I here?” For those of you who know the answer to this question and have found your purpose in life, […]
Challenge Yourself!
When did you last challenge yourself? I like to set myself little challenges now and then to keep myself learning and growing but nothing like the challenge I faced last Saturday. I first heard about the ‘Iceman’ Wim Hof through my husband Ben, who has Wim’s book that talks about how to challenge yourself […]
Arguing is Good for You
If done correctly, arguing can be good for your health, your mindset, and your relationships! I used to shy away from confrontation, but over the years I have learned that arguing is good for you. Growing up, a lot of issues I had with others were brushed under the carpet. I didn’t want to upset […]
Does Positive Thinking Work?
As a professional coach, I help women understand their emotions so they can make sense of how they feel and how to quickly improve their mental and emotional state. One way of doing this is through the power of positive thinking. Now I hear the skeptics ask, “does positive thinking work?” Many studies […]