Vision Board

You Need a Vision Board

Why do I say to women you need a Vision Board?

Because everything we want in life first starts as a thought and this thought creates a picture. From that picture, we can draw up a plan and take action to make the dreams we have for our life and work a reality.


Sounds simple right?


But unfortunately, most women don’t move beyond that first thought and so the picture fades, and eventually, the desire is lost completely. One way to keep your dreams alive is by constantly seeing them on a Vision Board.


One of the main methodologies I use when empowering women is NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) which involves all 5 senses when sending a message/desire to the brain.  And our vision is one of those important five senses.


Marian Wright Edelman is famously quoted as saying, “You can’t be what you can’t see.” That’s why creating a vision board is so essential. It is a simple yet profound tool for anyone wanting to achieve anything in life or business.


There are many benefits to creating a vision board:

  • It is creative and fun
  • It gets you thinking and planning
  • It helps you see the future pathway more clearly
  • It keeps your goals front of mind


On page 46 of my book “Take Back Control of Your Life Now!” (which is currently on special at ) I take you through both a visualisation of putting your vision into your future subconscious, and then list questions and suggestions for making your Vision Board come to life.


What is a Vision Board and how do I create it?

It is a pinboard, cardboard sheet, or Pinterest page that hosts pictures, photos, quotes, logos, symbols, words, and anything that relates to your dream.  Every time your eyes see these pictures, they send a signal of excitement and desire to the brain, which in turn embeds the message, wakens your reticular activation system, and gives the motivation to make the picture a reality in your life.


The steps are simple: 



Inspiration Vision Board


  1. Get clear on your goals

Take a few minutes to write down your most important goals for all areas of your life. You may choose near-term goals, long-term goals, or a mix of the two.

The most important thing is that your goals are highly motivating to you! Many studies show evidence that setting goals increase success rates.


  1. Gather inspiration for your Vision Board

Browse magazines and cut out pictures, headlines, or just words. Search for quotes that are relevant to your goal. Follow someone who has already achieved your goal. Draw or doodle, things that make your heart sing – maybe a picture of your family, or a love heart or dollar signs…


  1. Uncover what really drives you

Who is this goal for and why do you want it?

What will happen if you achieve it?  What will happen if you don’t achieve it?


  1. Get creative

Have fun putting your Vision Board together. Gather glue, scissors, paint, and a few friends and do it together.


  1. Hang your Vision Board

Find a highly visible place to put your Vision Board so you see it many times every day, that way your goal will always be front of mind.


  1. Keep a note of your progress

Many women give up too soon on their goals because they expect everything to change overnight but it’s important to be patient and kind towards yourself and let the process unfold naturally.  Remember to celebrate the small wins by rewarding yourself with something that keeps you motivated and committed to your goal.  Celebrate every achievement and accept praise from others too.


I remember the first Vision Board I did in 2012 – I was skeptical, but it was part of a team exercise, so I did it. I can honestly put my hand on my heart and say that within one year I had achieved everything on that board. And I now do one faithfully every year.


When drawing your Vision Board, make passion your compass. If you do something you are passionate about, it will never feel like hard work, and you will enjoy the journey. Others will sense your passion and be drawn to help you succeed.


Looking for more of my blogs? Here are a few.

Valentine’s Day – Relationships

Life is Difficult



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