There is so much joy in giving.

Giving is good for our soul, it makes us feel connected, needed, and generous. All of which releases happy hormones that last longer than any joy we feel from receiving.  Many studies reveal the benefits of giving.


I don’t know about you, but I get a buzz in my stomach when choosing a surprise gift for someone, imagining how chuffed they will be when they open it.   Gifts create emotion: some surprise us, some delight us, some move us to tears.

Don’t let the hustle of the silly season cause you to miss out on the joy of giving. There are many types of gifts, plenty with no price tag. Look for opportunities to give of yourself, your time, your ideas, or your practical skills.  This is where we really experience the joy of giving!

Pause and be grateful, be considerate, be mindful of every small gift around you.


With the joy of giving in mind, I’m excited because I have a few gifts for you!


Over the years I have studied, learned, and grown in my personal and professional life and nothing gives me greater pleasure than sharing what I’ve learned with others.  So please accept a free downloadable copy of my book “Take Back Control of Your Life Now”, which has practical exercises to help you discover your purpose and find happiness in your everyday life.


My second gift to you is a short series of videos called Reignite Your Spark, which shows the exact steps I took to turn my life around and achieve my goals, I use this framework for everything I work on at home and in my business.


My third gift to you is a 30 mins chat with me to help you plan what you’d like to change, improve or achieve in 2022. Go to my calendar and reserve a time that suits you.  Exciting times ahead!


From my family to yours, wishing you a very Merry Christmas filled with the joy of giving.

Anne xo


Got more time this holiday season? Read my other blogs.

How to Stay Calm This Christmas




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… because everyone deserves a coach!

PS : As a gift for visiting this page I’d like to offer you a free 30 mins call, to help you gain clarity on what you want and how to get it.

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