Christmas Gift with a Difference.

Christmas: Giving, Gratitude & Grace

I want this Christmas to be more than a hectic splurge of spending that leads to stress, family conflict and disappointment, so I’m going to focus on just 3 things this Christmas: giving, gratitude and grace.


I have great gift ideas if you are looking for something a bit different to give to people this Christmas. The first, is a book called RENEWAL, compiled by #BusinessInHeels. I contributed a chapter (a part of my life that very few know about) alongside other women who all share their story of struggle and success.

The second gift, is for anyone looking to Re-ignite the Spark in their life or work. This is a self-paced coaching program for those seeking personal growth or to kick some goals in 2023. I am giving a special deal 50% discount and lifetime access for my community – that includes you!

There are so many other ways to show people you care. One Christmas my kids wrote positive quotes on little pieces of colourful paper and put them in a jar for me to open throughout the year – it’s a gift I still treasure today because of the time and effort they put into it and I often re-read the quotes and quietly smile.

Giving to yourself during this crazy, busy festive season is also important. Give yourself permission to rest, connect with those who make you laugh and receive gifts and compliments with an open mind and an open heart.



The word gratitude can sound hollow and even irritating, especially if we are always being told to “have an attitude of gratitude.” But if we take it back to its roots meaning – to be grateful – neuroscience shows us that when we send messages of gratitude to the brain, positive endorphins are released and we feel happier! So we’d be silly not to!

Make a list of all the things you are grateful for – I always start with simple things like colourful flowers in the park, dogs playing on the beach, having a roof over my head. For Christmas I add extra thanks for delicious food in the fridge, time off work, fun with friends and having enough money to purchase gifts. Think of all the people who love you and add their names to the list too! I encourage you to continually add to the list, make it as long as you can and read it every day.

Give others a reason to feel gratitude by going out of your way to show your caring support. This is doubly valuable if you perform service for those in need. One of the best Christmas Day celebrations we had was at a soup kitchen for the homeless.  Charity that comes from the heart is an expression of love and connectedness that will be received with gratitude at any time of the year.



Exhibit grace this Christmas by opening yourself to everyone in a non-judgmental way, especially those around you who are frazzled or frantic. It’s easy for us to criticise those who are making a fuss and add to their stress.  Try instead to speak kindly. It is possible (not always easy but possible if you are in a state of grace) to say what you mean and mean what you say without being mean!

Have the courage to forgive. This is a tough one, especially with family members who have hurt or mistreated you. Forgiveness allows us to draw a line under the past and create a new positive future for ourselves and others. It leads to healthier relationships, better mental health, less anxiety and hostility, improved self-esteem and a sense of freedom.

One of my biggest challenges is letting go – especially around Christmas time. I like to have things a certain way – silly things like the Christmas tree in a particular location, the dishwasher stacked in a particular way, timing of when we eat, when we open gifts etc. When I step into a state of grace and choose to let go, the day unfolds in a more fun and calm way.


I’d love you to join me on Thursday 15th December for the launch of the book Renewal. Ask questions, get advice and meet the other authors.

Wishing you and your family a happy, holy and calm Christmas full of fun, gifts, gratitude and grace.

Anne xo


PS: If you’d like a copy of the book RENEWAL click here.

PPS: To find out more about the RE-IGNITE YOUR SPARK coaching program and claim your 50% discount click here.



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