Sometimes, amid all the busyness of Christmas, we can forget that it TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY !

I know I’m already feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the shopping, spending, and Christmas partying – and it’s only mid December!

I don’t know about you, but I find myself griping more than usual at this time of year, especially when I’m queuing at the check-out or driving around in circles trying to find a spot in the car park. I know I should be delighted by the beautiful Australian summer but even the hot weather makes me irritable.

We all have a negative voice in our head that seems to turn up the volume at this time of year.  I call mine Moaning Minnie. Thankfully I know how to silence her, I have techniques to switch her off and focus on the positives around me.

One of the best ways I find is to sing a happy song! I know it sounds silly and almost too simple – but believe me, it works!  You can’t sing “Tis the Season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la la” and feel sad at the same time!

The message these words send to the brain creates a positive picture in the mind, which creates positive feelings, and as a result (hopefully) positive behaviour.  Try it…

I bet you’re smiling now.

This song is my mantra for the whole of December and it can be yours too.

Now when I’m standing in a queue, I hum that merry little tune to myself and thank God I live in Australia and am not in lock-down.

When I’m driving around in circles to get a spot in a car park I sing “Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la la la la” and remind myself that my mood affects those around me.  I want to share happiness and light-heartedness not frustration.

Here’s a list of some other things I do (and recommend to my clients) so that we all have a wonderful fun-filled, calm Christmas …
  • Visualise the Christmas you want and tell others, so they’re onboard.
  • Say ‘No’ in a calm, confident, loving tone when you feel overwhelmed or exhausted.
  • Be aware that sugar and alcohol increase blood sugar & insulin levels which can negatively impact your brain’s neurotransmitters, so limit yourself.
  • Nurture relationships – keep arguments to the minimum – it’s only for 1 day, you CAN do it!
  • Decide on an amount of money you can afford to spend on gifts and stick to it.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Delegate fun activities to the kids.
  • Remember the real reason for the season – the birth of Christ is a time of hope.

If you would like help with shifting your mindset, book in a call. I’m here to help.



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