How to Deal with People who Squash your Goals

Taking a leap of faith for yourself is a daunting and challenging path. If you listen to Naysayers and Negative Nancys this journey will be much more difficult. You do not need their pessimism, nor do you have to deal with their opinions. There are several ways to deal with people who squash your goals […]

Finish the Year Strong

finish the year stronger

Can you believe we’re nearing the end of the year already? I don’t know where the time has gone! Would you like to finish the year strong? When you look back on 2022, what are you going to be most proud of? Are there still some things that you haven’t quite completed? Or even started? […]

Kaizen: The Secret to Achieving Goals

Let's change for the better

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning “change for the better” or “continuous improvement.”  Kaizen sees improvement as a gradual and methodical process. It can be difficult to encourage yourself to take on a huge new project when you’re already struggling to juggle everything, so making small incremental changes will likely be more successful than trying […]

What If…

What if

What if 2021 was your best year ever? What if you learned how to create the future you desire? What if you decided to let go of past hurts and disappointment? What if you had someone guiding you on this new, exciting journey?   Many years ago I was in a group coaching session where […]