5 Unexpected Positive Outcomes from Group Coaching
Last year, I reached my full coaching capacity and was stressed about having to turn women away, so instead… …I brought them all together! So many unexpected, positive outcomes, that I could not have imagined, happened through this group coaching process. Here are some of the unexpected, positive outcomes from group coaching that the women […]
What Successful Women Don’t Do!
Many courageous and successful women have been highlighted as a part of celebrating International Women’s Day, Friday, 8th March. So, I thought it apt to write about remarkable women and look at what makes them stand out. I will highlight some amazing women I know, who are achieving greatness in their world. As a coach, […]
What does it mean to be inspired and be an inspiration?
To have inspiration and be inspired is easy, but to be inspirational by inspiring others takes a lot of dedication. Inspiration. The dictionary defines inspiration as: “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something (esp creative)”. Inspiration can be challenging to understand and describe because what inspires one person may not have […]