Kaizen: The Secret to Achieving Goals

Let's change for the better

Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning “change for the better” or “continuous improvement.”  Kaizen sees improvement as a gradual and methodical process. It can be difficult to encourage yourself to take on a huge new project when you’re already struggling to juggle everything, so making small incremental changes will likely be more successful than trying […]


Ending the year on a high

What would “ending the year on a high” mean for you?   Achieving something you’ve been putting off for ages. Building more confidence. Healing a relationship. Finding your voice and speaking your truth. Creating a clear path forward in 2022. I help women who feel lost, overwhelmed, over-worked or stuck, to take back control of […]

Arguing is Good for You

Arguing, Argue

If done correctly, arguing can be good for your health, your mindset, and your relationships! I used to shy away from confrontation, but over the years I have learned that arguing is good for you. Growing up, a lot of issues I had with others were brushed under the carpet. I didn’t want to upset […]