finish the year stronger

Finish the Year Strong

Can you believe we’re nearing the end of the year already? I don’t know where the time has gone! Would you like to finish the year strong?

When you look back on 2022, what are you going to be most proud of?

Are there still some things that you haven’t quite completed?

Or even started?

Well, it’s never too late – there’s still time…

Everyone says I’ll do it in the New Year but wouldn’t it be nice to tick a few things off your list before the end of December? Instead of using December as a reason to NOT do things, why not use it as a DEADLINE to get stuff done?

My goal for this year is to get my memoir traditionally published. I’ve put a lot of time and effort into attending courses with the NSW Writers Centre and the Australian Society of Authors. I’ve created written pitches and verbal pitches, researched my ideal reader and competitors in the market, I’ve had it professionally edited and changed the title a few times. It hasn’t been an easy journey. All of this has cost me money, time and effort. I’ve already had 4 rejections and been told it’s highly unlikely that a traditional publisher will invest in the memoir of someone who is not famous or has less than 25k followers on social media (if you feel my pain, please follow me lol!)


But the year is not over yet and so I’m having a final focused effort to contact as many publishers as I can in Australia and the UK. I’m working on making myself and my story unique and attractive to publishers. I’m figuring out alternative ways to share the teachings from my story, maybe a self-help book instead of memoir or even an audio book? I’m willing to do live talks and be interviewed on podcasts, whatever it takes – I’m holding on to the dream because I know this personal story may help others.


Want to join me in this final sprint to the end of the year? Here are 6 ways to help you finish the year strong:

  1. Imagine it’s 31st December – what do you wish you’d done? Write down what you need to do so you look back on 2022 feeling confident with no regret or disappointment.
  2. Identify what’s holding you back. Is it fear of failure, or lack of resources, or blocked mindset or overwhelm?
  3. Pick one thing. Don’t try and do it all. You will feel much better if you achieve one task instead of multi-tasking and achieve nothing fully.
  4. Choose to focus. Ignore distractions for the next few weeks, get stuff done, then you can enjoy the holiday season more, feeling relaxed and proud of yourself.
  5. What do you need to stop doing? Are you wasting time, money or energy on things that don’t bring a positive return? Write a list and make a promise to yourself to avoid these things for the next few weeks.
  6. Get help. What do you need to achieve your goals? Guidance, a plan, a coach? Are you willing to ask for help, put yourself first, invest in your future, grow and enjoy your life more.


And here’s the good news, I am offering lifetime access to my online program which will take you from where you are to where you want to be. It consists of 6 modules and includes over 35 short videos, numerous questionnaires and personal worksheets, personality profiling, goal setting templates, mindset techniques and everything you need to end the year on a high (or plan for 2023).

If you’re not sure if this step-by-step program will work for you, check out the testimonials on my website from past clients, or call me and let’s talk about it. I’m here for you.


Anne xo

PS : This could be the best Christmas gift you ever give to yourself (a girlfriend, mother or daughter)

PPS : Remember, if you do nothing, then nothing will change.

I have also done some podcasts which might be helpful in your life. Here are some:

Blisspot Wellbeing Summit

RiseWomen – How to get Unstuck and Thrive in your 50’s

Living Life After Loss – Marie Alessi

Mums & Co with Lucy Kippist

Stories that Stir with Monica Rosenfeld

Zedaxis TV with Lia Zalums

Think Bigger, Grow and Succeed with Adrienne McLean and Anne McKeown




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