5 Ways to Supercharge Your Brain Through Exercise

Lately, I have been reading a lot about healthy ageing. As I get older, I want to be fit mentally and physically with a good dose of spiritual growth too. So I’ve been researching ways to supercharge the brain. I started surf ski paddling a couple of years ago. I cannot tell you how […]
12 Benefits of Craft

I went to the Sydney Craft Fair with my daughter last Friday and we had such a fun day. We booked into a jewelry-making class, it was so simple and best of all – extremely therapeutic! I share this with you as a reminder to take time out and do something creative on your own […]
Powerful Affirmations That Really Work

People ask me if positive affirmations really work. That’s like asking a personal trainer if you will get fit by exercising at the gym every day. The resounding answer is yes! Positive affirmations are powerful, and they really work, when you know how to create them, what to include and what to avoid. From […]
Self-Sabotage Cycle

Do you think you are stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage? Do you find yourself trying to achieve a goal, or get a new job, or curb overspending, only to be constantly disappointed when your efforts don’t bring you any closer to your dreams? Then you might be part of a self-sabotage cycle. Have […]
The real reason your business is not successful…

People say to me, “I don’t understand why my business is not successful.” Or “I’ve spent a fortune on marketing but no one is buying and I don’t understand why!” It’s nothing to do with your marketing, sales, funnels, tech, templates or ads. It’s to do with YOU, your confidence, your belief in yourself […]
Your Attitude Matters

Do you think your attitude matters, or is it just a phrase coined by the industry of positive thinking? I’ve just returned from a month in the UK and most of the trip was disappointing. Now I know I sound like a spoiled child and many people will say that I have a negative […]

In life, there are rules: restrictions in sport games, driving regulations on the road, religions practices to abide by, everyday law and order for the safety and smooth functioning of community. Some people like to have rules to follow, they feel safe knowing exact boundaries, they obey the rules and can be very judgmental […]
The Main Reason New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work!

Do you know the main reason New Year’s Resolutions don’t work? Many people set New Year’s Resolutions with great intent. During the first few weeks of January, I hear of lofty goals around health, wealth, career, and relationships. By the end of the month, these are followed by calls of disappointment, and I have to […]

What Are Affirmations? An affirmation is a straightforward statement, which when frequently repeated, profoundly affects both your conscious thinking processes and more importantly, your subconscious. We say many things to ourselves every minute of the day, some positive but mostly negative. We tend to focus on what we don’t have, or what’s going wrong, […]
Arguing is Good for You

If done correctly, arguing can be good for your health, your mindset, and your relationships! I used to shy away from confrontation, but over the years I have learned that arguing is good for you. Growing up, a lot of issues I had with others were brushed under the carpet. I didn’t want to upset […]