Motivating Morning Routine

Motivating Morning Routine

Time and again clients ask me to help them create a motivating morning routine because they know how good it feels to start the day feeling motivated and organised.

When we know what lies ahead and that everything is sorted we feel in control and less stressed. Surprisingly, it doesn’t take much to get a great start to your day.  All it needs is for you to create a morning routine that motivates you for success in all areas of your life.

One of the secrets for those who are highly successful in life and business, is a morning routine. It doesn’t need to be complex and it certainly doesn’t have to be time consuming to create or follow. In the beginning it will require a commitment from you to plan it and then to practice it daily until it becomes a habit that happens without you having to consciously work on it.  In fact, it will become something you look forward to.


The motivating morning routine that I recommend includes the following elements:


Early Start

Forget about long lie ins and putting the alarm on snooze every 5 minutes. Set your alarm for an hour earlier than normal and see your productivity soar.  An early start may not come naturally at first but providing you go to bed earlier and get enough sleep you’ll notice a positive difference quickly, fewer interruptions and more focused concentration are all available early in the morning.


Positive Visualisation and Affirmations

Set the tone of your day by giving it a really positive boost first thing. Visualise your success from the get go. Everything we do starts with a picture in our mind. You choose what that picture looks like.

In addition, repeat positive affirmations and don’t forget to display them where you can see them frequently as this will boost their efficacy. Doing this step within the first 20 minutes of waking gives you a greater chance of success as you’ll be able to reach your subconscious before your conscious mind wakes up and takes over.



Undertaking some form of exercise will get your blood flowing, heart pumping oxygen around your body and generally waken up your entire system. You don’t need to go for a 5 mile run every day. Your exercise regime could consist of morning stretching, yoga or Tai Chi as these will help calm and ground you as well as provide time for inner contemplation. Personally I love to go outside and dance around my garden.



Start your day with a glass of water (add lemon or mint leaves to make it more refreshing and cleansing).  It is very important to hydrate your body after sweating during the night. Herbal tea or a green juice are also good choices for an early morning drink to get your day started the right way.



If you want to have a successful day, make sure that you know exactly what needs to be done. Have a to do list ready and identify the order of priority. Make sure the list isn’t too long, 5 or less items is an ideal length. Enjoy the feeling of success as you tick them off.



A healthy breakfast is a good way to get your body fuelled up ready to tackle the day ahead. You’ll feel more alert and able to concentrate on the tasks you need to accomplish. A boiled egg doesn’t take long to cook, or make a protein shake to get a good dose of nutrients.  Multi vitamin is another great idea.



Taking a few minutes to sit and read or listen to something inspiring or educational. This will help you to feel positive and motivated. You don’t have to spend a long time reading, even 5 minutes can be enough to get your mind working and your motivation kick-started. Suggestions for morning reading include self-help books or biographies and auto-biographies of successful people who inspire you and can act as role models. Grab a copy of my book Take Back Control of Your Life Now! Or download the digital version for free on my website and slowly work your way through it.


Money Tasks

Before you head out the door on your commute or settle down to your day at home, it’s important to do something that will either make you money or save you from spending money. Prep the day’s meals so that you don’t feel tempted to get a take out when you are feeling tired at the end of day. Set up standing orders for your bills so that you don’t get overdue notices and charges.


If you want to have a successful day, then it’s important to start your day in a positive way. Having a morning routine will ensure that your days are organised for success and that you feel motivated from the start.  If you would like help creating your own personal motivating morning ritual, book in your complimentary session here. 



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