Money Mindset

Money Mindset for Success

What does money mindset for success mean?

Most of us have fixed ideas about money that we absorbed from those around us when we were young.  What’s important now is to ask if this money mindset has helped or hindered your success in life and what are you going to do about it?

I don’t know about you, but I was brought up to NOT talk about money.

I was encouraged to quietly give and reluctantly receive.

Some of the phrases I heard around me where things like :

Money is the root of all evil (I’ve since discovered that the quote from the Bible states that “the love of money alone” is the root of all evil.)

People referred to the wealthy as ‘filthy or stinking’ rich.

I was told that money can’t buy happiness and that money encourages greed.

Yet, I watched wealthy people around me grow, build and succeed in all areas of life.  They enjoyed their work and their social life.  They gave generously at charity events.  They were nice people.  All this made me question what I had been taught and my own beliefs around money.

I see capable women missing out on golden opportunities all the time because they don’t believe they deserve money, or they fear being judged as greedy, or ‘too’ ambitious.

They seek approval and permission to thrive.

Their self-talk is negative and self-sabotaging, for example :

I don’t make enough money to save

It’s hard to get rich these days

I’ll never pay off this mortgage

I won’t be able to charge that much

No one will ever pay me that amount

Why bother learning about finances, it’s so boring

Accounting is so complicated

The truth is for the first few years of running my coaching business I made very little money. I didn’t think people would pay me. I didn’t have the confidence to charge much. I wanted to help others and not be judged.  As a result, I gave too much for too little and became exhausted and resentful. Not a positive outcome for anyone.

But during the past 18 months as my belief in myself has grown, my money mindset has shifted, my income has increased substantially.  I can tell you that having extra money gives you more choice and autonomy, it increases your confidence and allows you to do the things that bring you joy.

And, the best part is that the more you have, the more you can give – you don’t help the poor by being poor!

Here are some initial steps to shift your money mindset:

Believe you deserve it

Increasing your self-worth helps increase your net worth.

Change your old money story

Be open to abundance

Act as if you already have it

Create a vision board

Increase joy / celebrate the small wins

If you’re a giver, be more open to receiving.

Anne xo

PS : If you are looking to grow and expand financially in your personal life or business, let me help you.

Click here to book your free 30mins call to shift the blocks that are holding you back.  



3 Responses

  1. Your post highlights the importance of leveraging digital platforms to generate income. It’s a timely reminder that there are numerous opportunities available in the online space.

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