6 Habits that Lead People to Success

6 Habits that Lead People to Success

Every day I help people who are looking for inner peace and happiness; or to achieve a particular goal; or to change a behaviour that is not serving them. They are open to learning, growing and succeeding. If you are looking to change your life, achieve goals or break bad habits in 2024, then this is for you.


Successful people are not special or unique they just follow these 6 rules:

  1. They Really Want Life to be Better
    Successful people spend time discovering what they really want and how to achieve it. They put their reason why and their goals at the forefront of their mind every day. They visualise a better life and see their dreams coming true. They dig deep and find the courage to think bigger, believe more, and demand extra of themselves.


  1. They Prioritise Routine & Repetition
    Successful people practice their art and skills consistently, always aiming for improvement. They stick to a routine that works for them, they work hard but they also rest, they understand the importance of balance in all areas of life. Successful people adopt positive ways of thinking and behaving, more so than the average person. They pay attention to their goals and constantly measure their progress. They’re not the kind of people who set New Year’s resolutions and then give up after a few weeks. Throughout the whole year they focus on their vision, they work at it, practice it, test it, get better at it, practice more, improve more. They are always seeking personal growth and development.


  1. They Invest in Expert Guidance and Coaching.
    Successful people hire coaches. They invest in experts because they know they can’t figure out everything on their own (otherwise, they’d already be where they want to be). High performers invest in coaches because they want confidence knowing they’re striving intelligently, they want to shorten their learning curve, they want to know they’re not wasting time making rookie mistakes, they want perspective so they can anticipate what’s ahead and they want accountability and smarter ways of living. They get a coach. If you’d like to be coached by me, reply to this email or click here and let’s organise a time for us to chat. 


  1. Successful people surround themselves with positive people.
    Successful people surround themselves with positive people. They seek out people who are happy, well adjusted, doing great things, leading their community, making the magic happen. They don’t sit alone in their basement hoping they hit success then luckily find a better peer group. They volunteer to meet givers. They network and ask who they should meet who can help them get ahead. They connect daily with positive people who want to talk about what’s right with this world, what’s possible, what’s exciting. The people around them fire them up. Who are you hanging out with?


  1. They Follow Inspiring Role Models.
    Who inspires you? What biographies have you read recently? Who do you know that fires you up? What strategies are you using that you learned from someone else? If you don’t have a role model, you’re missing out. You may feel lonely, or superior thinking you can do it all alone. Positive role models are everywhere: in your community, documentaries, books and social media. I’d like to encourage you today to choose a role model to follow (and let me know who it is!) Make it a mission. Find them. Learn from them. Model their behaviour and watch yourself grow. And remember to be a good role model yourself!


  1. They Understand Time is Limited
    Achievers know life is short, they understand the one thing we can’t get back is time. Many of you know that my brother died recently, this was a real shock to me and a reminder of how beautiful and precious life is. It has made me get my act together, look after my health more and tell those close to me how much I love them. I have a deeper appreciation for each new day. I don’t want to waste time, I don’t want to take life for granted. More than ever, I prioritise my own personal development and feel called to help others do the same. Don’t stay stuck or keep striving on your own. All 6 of the points I’ve written about here are essential for success and happiness and are granted to you when you have someone coaching you.


If you need support and expert guidance on improving your life, download my Online Program or even better hire me as your personal motivator, accountability partner, sounding board and cheering squad. Get the expert coaching you need (and secretly want!) Click here and book a time that suits you for us to draw up your New Year Plan.


More blogs about Success? Here are some:

No One Worries Their Way To Success!


6 Tips to Control Your Mind and Achieve Your Dreams



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